Revelation Fitness
Free classes that enable and promote health, hope and wholeness, through fun faith and fitness.
Classes run on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am – 11.30am, on alternate months (Currently running through Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov)
Click here to download a health and contact form to bring along to your first session.
No need to book, just turn up!
Our fitness classes are about more than just a workout. Come along and let us help you live a healthy and whole life, in Christ.
Unlike other classes, Revelation Fitness® workouts are designed to be holy encounters that work out our faith and our bodies.
Class styles vary and are accessible to all levels and abilities. Revelation Fitness workouts will help foster better physical health and get you fit for daily life.
The world says that losing weight is the way to feel free, but we know true freedom is in gaining a greater grasp of God’s love.
Our classes are free to local residents (or donation based): so health and wholeness is accessible to all income levels.